Showing posts with the label Healthcare


How to perform Yoga for Respiratory Health

  How to perform Yoga for Respiratory Health Aritcle by  Ashima Goyal Siraj What is Yoga Therapy? Yoga therapy refers to the treatment of diseases through yogic exercises which may be physical, mental or both. The physical exercises in yoga consist of kriyas (procedures), asanas (postures) and pranayamas (breathing exercises). In this article, we will talk about pranayamas which are focused on improving respiratory health. What is Pranayama? Pranayama is derived from the Sanskrit word Prana which means ‘vital force or energy in the body’ and Ayama which means ‘control’. Breath is the external manifestation of this vital force and so, pranayama means ‘control of breath’. By controlling one’s breathing, one can achieve a healthy body and mind. There are many types of pranayamas and all are beneficial for respiratory health. In this article, we will focus on one of the more common types — Anuloma-Viloma or Alternate Nostril Breathing. In alternate nostril breathing, one inhales through rig

Health Products For You - HPFY

  About Us - HPFY Our Vision To make health & wellness accessible; while making a difference in the lives of our customers, our team and our global community. The ease of online ordering and home delivery allows us to make health care and healthy living products accessible to you, our customers. We take pride in keeping our costs low and offering you the best price that we can. We understand that in today’s world the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle is a necessity and every person should be able to afford that. We stand behind all our products, and promise you quality and good pricing. Our firm belief is that life does not come to a full stop when you are diagnosed with medical ailments like Cancer, Colostomy, Stroke, COPD, Diabetes, Osteoporosis or Incontinence. People are living lives full of adventure, and travel. Access to the world is within everyone's grasp! Age, geography, and ability do not stop us - we are strong and meet our challenges head on. Ostomates are running, br